AdGates on Route

  • Route is a research study of 28,000 people offering a unique insight into travel patterns and the advertising formats commuters see.
  • The research measures the flow of people through stations. London Victoria has over 50,000 alternative ways to pass through the station and the single common place that every person taking a train filters through is an AdGate ticket gateway.
  • All commuters that see AdGates are counted – not just based on ticket transactions.
  • All rail media can now be accurately compared.

Route says advertising on AdGates gets you:


AdGates work because:

  • They communicate with commuters 100% head on and directly in their line of sight.
  • They are ideal for brand impact and directional targeting plus modal targeting for morning and evening traffic.
  • They prompt impulse purchases on the way into work.
  • They target commuters when they have time to conduct personal research using a smart ‘phone or tablet.
  • They tell a story using multiple creatives as well as amplifying the message with other OOH formats.

Tailored packs can be selected by specific rail station, retailer, demographics or point of origin.

For further information on planning AdGates, contact T4media on 020 7233 9777 or